The Al Basma Detergents & Cleaning Ind LLC. manufactures different product such as detergents, liquid soaps and home care products in the United Arab Emirates, other Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and internationally. The company offers its products principally under the PEX, ZOLAREX, MEDE PLUS, FLORMAX,AUTO PLUS, PLUS and PEX WC PLUS brand names. The Al Basma Detergents & Cleaning Ind LLC. distributes its products directly, as well as through a network of distributors.
Range of household cleaning and personal care products offering the customers total home care cleaning solutions at affordable price. This range of products includes dishwashing liquids, fabric softener, personal and general disinfectant, liquid hand soaps, glass and surface cleaners, fruit and vegetables wash, air and fabric freshener, car care products and carpet stain remover. All this products are available in different various fragrances and differed sizes as required.
Al Basma stands for careful enterprise. This means that we produce our washing and cleaning products in an ecological, economic and socially responsible way in a unique ecological factory.
Honest and open, we respect people and the environment. In our view, this is the only way to guarantee a sustainable future.